C1st Investment Services: Understanding Pension Plans
posted on Monday, February 1, 2021 in Personal Banking

Are you facing a deadline to choose a pension benefit?
Having trouble understanding your options?
Not sure which to choose?
We can help!
If you have a pension plan: It’s important to keep tabs on it and make sure you understand it. For example – do you know if your plan is stable? Increasingly, employers are terminating pension plans and either directing pension assets into annuities or issuing lump-sum payouts to workers.
If you were in a pension plan that was terminated, or if you had a pension plan with a former employer that has since gone out of business, contact the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (www.pbgc.gov). This is an agency of the federal government created to protect pension plan assets.
After all, your retirement may depend on it. If you need help with your pension plan election, or if you’re ready to start planning for your retirement, please call me at (641) 684-1114, or ask the teller to email me your name and I will reach out to schedule an appointment.
I look forward to speaking with you.
Matthew J. Vickers
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