C1st Member Awarded Scholarship from Iowa Credit Union Foundation
posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 in General

Gwyneth Utterback of Community 1st Credit Union was recently awarded the Iowa Credit Union Foundation’s (ICUF) Warren A. Morrow Memorial Scholarship for $1,500, presented each year to credit union members pursuing higher education.
Applicants were asked to complete the designated online entry form and answer an essay question in no more than 500 words. This year’s question was: As cooperative community organizations, one of the principles at the heart of the credit union movement is a concern for the community. What does community mean to you? How have you served your community, and how do you see your credit union working in your community? Consider sharing personal examples and experiences.
Gwyneth won for her entry, in which she talks about a sense of belonging in her community. She finds giving back to her community, which she calls home, very easy, not because she loves it, but because she feels joy when the community gives her feedback and excitement.
“At Community 1st Credit Union, fostering community betterment is a cornerstone of our mission. We are extremely proud of Gwyneth and her unwavering dedication to her community and her commitment to giving back,” said VP of Governmental Affairs, Marian Holmes. “Gwyneth embodies the ‘people helping people’ philosophy that is the heart of Iowa Credit Unions. Her achievement in earning this scholarship not only highlights her individual accomplishments but also reflects the values we strive to promote within our community. We congratulate Gwyneth on this well-deserved honor and look forward to seeing her continue to make a positive impact.”
This year, the Iowa Credit Union Foundation awarded 24 scholarships totaling $46,000.
“The Iowa Credit Union Foundation is grateful for the additional support from our amazing Iowa credit union partners,” said Ena Babic Barnes, Executive Director, ICUF. “By doubling our commitment to Iowa credit union members, we can continue strengthening the financial lives of Iowans and celebrate those who passionately lead by the credit union philosophy of ‘people helping people’.”