52-Week Money Challenge

posted on Thursday, December 26, 2024 in Financial Tips

While we recognize the importance of saving money, it can be hard to do when your budget is already stretched thin. 

Try one of our 52-Week Money Challenges to help you reach your goals! You can save $1,378 by following the traditional challenge, starting with $1 and increasing by $1 each week. For those looking for a reverse approach, save the largest amounts first, reducing the amount each week while still reaching $1,378. If you’re aiming for an emergency fund, the 5K challenge helps you save $5,000 in 52 weeks, with savings that fluctuate based on timing. For those saving for a down payment, the 10K challenge lets you save $10,000 with weekly goals that rise and fall based on your budget and the timing of your expenses.

Pick the challenge that works best for you and start building your savings today!

Graphic showing the 52-Week Money Challenge with weekly savings increasing by $1 each week, totaling $1,378 by the end of the year.


Helpful Tips:

  • Automate Your Savings: Schedule weekly deposits within C1st's Digital Banking to stay on track without having to think about it each week.
  • Set Custom Alerts: Create text or email alerts to remind you of upcoming transfers and track your savings progress.

  • Adjust Based on Your Budget: If money is tight, start with smaller deposits and gradually increase them as your budget allows.

  • Stay Consistent: Even if your deposit amounts fluctuate, aim to make weekly contributions to keep your savings growing steadily toward your goal.