C1st Donates $1300 for Storm Relief
posted on Friday, March 25, 2022 in Announcements

Community 1st Credit Union recently made two donations in effort to help the Lucas County Community who are working together to help those who experienced damage or lost their homes during the storms Saturday, March 5th. One donation was made to the Chariton Volunteer Fire Department for $1,000, the other donation was made to the Inter-church Council of Lucas County for $300.
The Chariton Volunteer Fire department is a non-profit organization located in Lucas County. They have no paid staff and have 35 volunteer fire fighters who work endlessly to ensure the safety of the community. During and after the storm, they went through considerable consumable materials as a part of their emergency response efforts.
The Inter-church Council of Lucas County is also a non-profit organization located in Lucas County. The organization works to serve the needs of the community, whether it be food insecurity or providing temporary shelter for the homeless, they put the community first in their efforts. After the storm hit, several members of the community had significant damage or lost their homes which also put them wondering where their next meal would come from, the Inter-church Council steps in to fill those gaps.
“Our hearts are with our Chariton Community as they pick up the pieces from the damage caused by the storms on March 5th.” Says VP of Marketing, Anne Hagen. “Giving is not just about the donation, it’s about making a difference. The heartbeat of Iowa Credit Unions is ‘People Helping People’ and C1st is honored to be able to be in a position to help out our community with these donations.”